Best Burger & Chips - Dwyne (Dwine)
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Best Hamburgers
1 lb Lean Ground Beef
1 tsp Salt
1 or 2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
2 tsp Garlic (optional)
Mix then divide into 4 4oz balls (use a scale).
Form balls into Hamburger Patties
400f Preheat BBQ
4 min for first side then flip
4 min for second side
If toasting buns - top rack for final 2 minutes.
Other than flip and buns, do not open BBQ cover. You will have to experiment with
the temperature for your BBQ. Ours works best a little under 400f
Easy to remember 4 oz - 4 min/side - 400f
Best Chips and the safest
way to fry
Cut your potatoes - we cut thin (bit bigger than
McDonalds) and do not soak.
Optional - Soak in cold salty water (about as
salty as the sea) for about an hour.
Drain chips and dry with tea towel
Warm grease to 180-190f. SAFETY You should never add
anything wet to hot grease. Note the temp is below the boiling point(212f) of water,
therefore no boil/flare up!
Add chips and cook for 10-15 min
Turn temp up to 350f (leave chips on the burner)
Cook 'till done, probably before you reach 350f
When done shake well - Note: No salt in fryer or basket - salt does not dissolve in oil - salt will
corrode(holes) your alum/steel pan.
Tip chips into bowl lined with paper towel, if desired sprinkle with salt
Best BBQ tip
Get a hand held digital meat thermometer. Most will find that they have been over