Image not found - WeBuilder Image not found - Valid CSS 3 Image not found - Valid HTML5 Site Map created with >
  Top line of Home Page

             {current local date & time}     { (week number) Day Number-Days to end of Year / Days in Year - Comment if available}

Background images are automatically changed on the 1st of every month. Occasionally, due to various system/browser caching, the new images may not appear. Try clearing your browser cache.

Footer - The centred footer displays a © (copyright notice) and is a link to the sites EULA. On hover the footer will display the last modified date for the current page.

Javascript is only used when there is no alternative. Most of this site works well when Java is disabled. For additional JavaScript information JavaScript test

Screen Size - This site contains visual information and is best viewed on a large screen in horizontal mode (16:9). The site will display properly on small devices in vertical mode with some distortion and loss of clarity.



In the early days of the internet, our first web page was created with Notepad. We have also tried numerous automated authoring tools including Frontpage and Dreamweaver.

For these pages I have gone back to text (HTML). Design criteria was to simplify and reduce the number of links. A fair bit of effort has gone into making the home page "clean and uncluttered" with the relevant info encroaching as little as possible. The original code was HTML, then XHTML & CSS, now HTML5 & CSS3.

Editors Used:
Notepad++ - Always useful, always will be. Freeware - Best first editor.
RJ TextEd FreeWare/Donation Excellent editor, lots of features. Especially useful for testing with older versions of (internal)IE
PSPad - A programmers editor was used and still recommended.
WeBuilder 2018/2020/2022/2025 - My current editor. Excellent product.
HTML-Kit Tools(purchased 2014) - Good editor, not recommended, no longer being updated or supported.

Server Side: There are a couple of server side scripts that are used for changing the background images on the 1st of each month. Currently almost no PHP, for this site it's benefits do not justify the work and additional load/resource time.

The site does not use cookies, however some of the supporting applications do. The only cookie associated with this site is from Cloudflare. Cloudflare is a content delivery network that improves website performance.

The software has been tested and is compatible with current versions of Firefox, Edge, Safari and Chrome. There are however some small browser dependent appearance differences.

Old browser's are no longer supported. There really is no excuse for using an old browser! Update, it's free!

The original design has turned out to be very tablet/phone friendly. Touch devices lack the mouse hover feature making some menu designs unusable. There have been a few changes for touch screens, mostly to accommodate fat finger touches.

These pages are available at only. Previously hosted at, and

Google and other search engines still reference pages on Amtelecom, Sympatico and old), nothing that I can do about this. As the site grew larger it outgrew the space provided by our internet supplier necessitating us to register and pay for some space. Overall a positive change as the site is now easier to maintain. is currently hosted at

Most of the Genealogy data is generated using GedPage and a Gedcom file output from Legacy 9.0 Family Tree.

The home page background picture is usually a scene near our home in Lions Head, Ontario. The Genealogy background is usually a scan of an old appropriate postcard/picture.

The EULA CONTRACT and PRIVACY pages are our equivalent of those that we are forced to accept. You all know the game - - accept the EULA (all 16 pages) or do not use, but you cannot return the item because it is open, or we have just changed our contract and now require 4 months notification to cancel.

Site Map (.xml) is generated by